New Site Design and Writing Updates
Welcome! Or welcome back, depending. It’s been a while since I had much to share with you all. I’ve been writing, but honestly, it just hasn’t been going anywhere, you know?
So I’m getting back on the horse one step at a time. Firstly, I took a job writing for a website that publishes articles detailing IT-related horror stories called The Daily WTF; the submissions are massaged into something readable by freelance writers, and I am now one of them. It’s been good for me. The lack of control over what I’m writing has forced me to be more creative, and the regular deadline has forced me to write more regularly.
The next step is writing more creative works. To that end, I’m starting up a Patreon; I plan to write short pieces and share the first drafts in the backer-only section as a bonus thank-you for supporting my writing. I’m planning a bit launch party on Twitch on June 11th to kick that off; there’s more details on Facebook if you’re interested in attending.
Finally, I’ve started putting together a secret, longer project. Expect news here in the coming months when I’m ready to share that one :)